Sunday, 29 April 2012

When I grow rich, say the bells of Shoreditch (This is a long one, sorry!)

I have had a bit of a random adventure weekend! Was really nice actually, I'll summarise it then expand so hopefully I make a little more sense. I'm not hopeful. XD Friday evening I had a random catch up with an old acquaintance, Saturday (i.e. yesterday) morning saw the Avengers (Awesome!), Saturday afternoon I went to The Shoreditch Vintage Fair and I spent Saturday evening/night with one of my best friends, who I haven't seen since before my Easter holiday, hanging out at her sisters and now today I've been sleeping, eating and revising on and off (currently off :P). God damn Molecular Biology why won't you go in my brain!

So Friday evening I basically had a random visit from someone I hadn't seen in years, still can't quite work out how it all came about but it was basically with the aim of seeing the Avengers (Alright it's meant to be called 'Avengers Assemble' in the UK but I'm gonna ignore that because it sounds crap :P) first thing on Saturday (since my friend had to get to work for 3pm). So a nice 10am showing- woop! A free Hulk keyring mega woop! And one awesome sauce, action packed film... so much happened I don't really know what to say about it though! Except there were some exceptionally funny little bits of banter between the characters that I really enjoyed... I know a lot of people love the Hulk, and I do too, but my favourite is definitely still Thor (I really loved the movie of Thor as well ^_^), he is just gorgeous and awesome. Don't get me wrong Captain America is also pretty hot but something about the outfit is a little bit comical and off putting (more so than a Viking :P). I'm glad I randomly took the opportunity to catch up with my friend too because it was a lot easier to just chat to them than I thought it could have been and it's always a great feeling to regain or make a new friend!

So, now for my Shoreditch adventure... I have to say I've never really checked out that part of London much before, excepting a museum visit in Bethnal Green when I was much younger, but I keep meaning to take a good look round Brick Lane/Petticoat Lane/Spitalfields as it's something I've missed out for some reason. I found it ok anyway, nearly tried walking the wrong direction from the tube but worked it out thankfully! I'll include some pictures and then blabber on about the fair some more.

This one is sort of meant to represent my success in finding the fair (thanks to the wonders of the internet :P)

A rather blurred hand stamp... should have taken it before I got rained on!

Some of the lovely features of Shoreditch Town Hall (perfect venue for a vintage fair me thinks)

Lots of clothes, it was still pretty bustling even when I turned up around 4pm

More pictures of the ceiling

Scarves by the suitcase! This seemed to be the ultimate storage solution but this one was by far the largest/most stuffed

The Façade of Shoreditch Town Hall 

A really cool billboard for The Avengers I spotted on my way back to the station

Cool Building!

Huge shiny new buildings I felt the need to record!

Overall, I'd say I enjoyed taking a look round the vintage fair, it was something a little different and a good size, there was plenty to look at but equally it wasn't massive so you could just pop in and have a browse (there was an entrance fee but it seemed pretty reasonable, especially for a London event, at £2). It a little had the feel of a Church fete what with the old hall and the quaint little makeshift tea room though it was predominantly clothes, jewellery and accessories with the odd bits of Haberdashery, magazines etc. EDIT: And the smell I was completely forgetting the distinctive smell of old stuff in and old hall... I love it :D

Though I will comment, as I often find with Vintage clothing and hence was expecting,  things seemed fairly overpriced though I think in a lot of cases I would be more willing to pay out if I really thought it was something special. I understand the concept of things being one-offs/hard to find/handmade unique etc but equally all this stuff is second hand and if you are savvy you can often find some real gems at car boot sales and charity shops (though charity shops are beginning to discover the vintage phenomenon and have their own higher priced vintage/retro sections)  for a fraction of the price which is probably where traders pick up a lot of their stuff (I'm imagining house clearances would be a gold mine as well?). This is especially true of stuff from the sixties onwards but perhaps I would be more willing to pay out for vintage from the 50s and earlier. I did pick up a nice silk scarf for £3 though because it was so multicoloured and pretty!

I would say there was a pretty cool selection of clothes and a selection of new and old jewellery, including a stall from Sour Cherry which sells really cute and quirky  handmade jewellery (see, they also have a facebook group) though I resisted buying anything from there, I don't think I could have decided anyway and can get everything online! I'm thinking when I finally get my ears pierced I will buy some earrings from the site, the prices really are quite reasonable and they ship internationally which is cool (though not a problem for me). Things that did keep cropping up were scarves in old battered suitcases and racks and racks of vintage Levi cut offs and general shorts, I clearly need to get into that business because you can sell those for a fair amount and I'm sure they're something that could be picked up cheaply at boot fairs :P Don't get me wrong I like both those things, I especially love a pair of shorts (though I have to admit the sheer amount of girls I see in vintage cut offs/shorts is growing a little tiring) but it did make me giggle somewhat, especially as I have bought similar vintage shorts for 40 pence before...

All in all the vintage fair was well worth taking a look at and it's something to remember for next year and also to keep an eye out for their vintage fairs around the country ( It was also cool to find somewhere in London I'd never been before, there's so much to see and discover I feel it's time to stop going to the same old places though some places such as the Zoo, the Royal Academy open exhibition, the Science and Natural History museums and the Tate galleries always deserve a re-visit (planning on going to the Damien Hirst exhibition with my mum as I haven't been to the Tate modern in a very long time!). And there's certain shopping destinations (Oxford Street, Covent Garden and the wonderful wonderful wonderful Camden that are alwaysss on my list!

I then spent the evening with my wonderful friend being random and awesome and perhaps a little mad and talking about guys of course. I also met a lovely if crazy little Dachshund/jack russell cross who I massively want to steal... I had missed her massively and it was soo good to catch up, gotta give you a lot of love my dearest! :D Seriously we always have fun, the day we don't have a laugh together will be the end of all things... so that isn't going to happen :P

Rainbow Hugs!!!

Monday, 16 April 2012

The Life of a Stranger

I had a really strange experience, it only lasted a few minutes at most. This has happened to me once before but I only remembered once it happened again this time. Basically the best way I can describe it is that suddenly I feel I get this sense of my life as though I were a stranger looking in on it. I can remember everything but all in this strange detached and objective way, like looking down on the wanderings of a random ant. But in some way I feel as if this detachment can give me some clarity, some insight... I looked at all the main aspects of my life and thought- Christ is that seriously me? Is that mine? And it wasn't exactly in a woeful 'my life sucks' kind of way just kind of like falling into or waking from some strange dream and being having way between reality and fantasy. I remember last time reaching out to touch something solid to help me shake the feeling I was dreaming I can't begin to imagine what causes this... but last time it happened, I think now with perspective, was last summer maybe not long after a break up, I guess it might well be something to do with random chemicals acting in the brain... it's a bot like being drunk except I don't think I've ever had such an extreme 'Birds-eye view of my life' feeling when drunk but sometimes it's hard to connect experiences when you're not in the moment... I didn't even remember about my first one until this happened.

It's left me feeling odd and uneasy but also made me look at some events in a really distant way- just the perspective of 'did that really happen?' has kind of made me feel better about some stuff, if it can go away that quickly then oh well nothing matters really so might as well make the most of it ^_^ resolved to continue with my art (mixed media self portrait thingy I'm planning) and craft (jewellery mostly) projects, keep looking for a job, revise for my exams and have some awesome adventures with my Besties this summer.

I wish you many rainbows,

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Girl: colourful, awkward and a little bit strange

I've been thinking lately, I'd like to have that someone I can call at random times and do something random with. Because, lately, i've had a strong desire to go on adventures... Do silly random things, discover things and see things i've always wanted to. I'm not saying I don't have friends I do random things with because I do and I love those guys! But not everyone is so spontaneous and I feel I want to be more so and equally we never seem to think of random free things to do. Whenever I do have ideas it seems to be completely the wrong time.

What got me thinking this was initial a random Tesco trip at night with my brother and his lovely girlfriend... Now I know that doesn't sound that exciting but it's interesting how my fun and laughter you can find at midnight in a supermarket... It's always slightly surreal shopping at that sort of time anyway... When the skeleton staff are basically just shuffling around stocking the shelves and the litter of this process is strewn over the floor. You always manage to notice different things not just because the place is more or less empty but because somehow I think your mind will see things differently at that kind of hour.

I feel i've been thinking rather randomly and abstractly lately perhaps I'm nearing some kind of epiphany about my life... I could certainly do with one... But for now I'm happy, still single, still unemployed but happy that i'm being the best person I can be. Loves!!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Jewellery Update

Made a bunch more jewellery bits today, put this up on a new facebook page (, currently trying to add some actual info to this but facebook is being less than helpful... There's pictures though and more on the way hopefully!

Monday, 2 April 2012

One Damn Strange Week... and one hell of a rambling post (Made it Home from Uni for Easter!)

Last week was one of those weeks... the one where a lot of things seem to go a touch awry and you just seem to fumble everything. Yet, at the end of it I am left smiling more or less- my coursework and lectures are done for the year, I've got a job interview coming up (scary but a good feeling) and I'm home seeing friends and family I haven't seen in weeks or months. So after a bit of kerfuffle I feel pretty good after all and to be honest it doesn't all seem so fail :)

So I should probably tell you how it went... can't remember much from the beginning, guess it wasn't going so bad then... just had a careers fair and was still left completely baffled as to what to do with my life as well as deciding it was too soon to see someone after all (stupidly after trying to make contact), this was Tuesday. Both of these things probably didn't help with the slightly downward spiral of events after this point. Nothing particularly bad or horrific happened... just all went a bit... clutzy XD but nights out often leave me feeling that way.

So Wednesday was going pretty okay, went along to two revision sessions for practical exams and felt like I might actually know some of the stuff, I think I procrastinated a lot on my final piece of coursework but got some done too. It culminated in a uni night out with some fun peeps and my lovely Milly :) I was left with a fairly significant feeling of embarrassment but that probably is just due to a good night! I think I mostly spent Thursday napping, procrastinating and wondering why I started telling one of my best friends I fancy her... Such fun!

So anyway, I then spent Friday in the Library from about 8am to 6pm (with a refreshing break for lunch) so I could finish my coursework and go home the following day... long story short I got it done and then printed and went over to hand it in. I guess that's where the fail began slightly. I'm running over there already a little flustered because I just want it out of my sight so I can go home and get ready for another night out at le Student Union amazing-lameness of Cheesey music and Friday that is 'The Bop' and when I get there the doors are locked in such a way that I can't get into the corridor to my hand-in box... panic... security guard looks sort of scary and annoyed. In the end I went back with my housemate (yeah I'm a bit of a child :P or rather I'm not great at the best of times and I was in a bit of a tizzle- thanks Laura :)) and there was a different security guard... of course he lets me straight in leaving me feeling a bit lame and dumb, just got myself in a pickle I guess. Problem Sorted. Though, by this point I'm running late and end up running round like a headless chicken getting changed, trying to start packing and making dinner. It all seemed to be going well, up until the point where I ran out to check on my pasta (practically boiled dry and a bit crunchy in places!) and forgot my keys... now normally my door has to be pulled shut on my way out but what with it being quite warm in London Friday and all the windows were open... it actually shut properly for once in its life! I was not quite in the frame of mind to be locked out with my hair still wet and wait an hour for security to let me back in (I unfortunately also called them exactly when they're normally busy locking up O_O). I knew it was all basically my own fault for running late and rushing around but still grrrrrr at life! lol

Hooray! I made it out. Drinks happened. Drunk happened. The members of our party were dropping like flies but I made it to Bop if slightly disgruntled... I still felt kind of okay. But then, for what ever reason (probably a combination of many things) I start feeling and acting pretty miserable, this being the point where I started getting all deep. I ended up babbling that I don't see how people can fall in love with me because they should either initially be put off by my wild dress sense and shy personality, or if they like that sort of thing then basically I'm a horrible person and can get a little crazy, overreact, pour my feelings out on facebook etc. (I'm just too open about my feelings sometimes, I hope it seems alright in this format?? haha) this isn't exactly what I really think about myself just silly me talking. I know I have my faults but I'm also sure that we all do, we're all mad in our own way and that's what I love about people- we're all just as crazy and stupid as each other at one time or another! I ended up being one of those girls sitting outside weeping for a bit, don't do that drunk mood very often! lol When I think about it now it's funny because really I'm okay about so many things now it really doesn't matter. I went home, probably woke the world up and ended up sending a lot of tbh pretty random texts and messages including a message to someone I barely know telling them I think they're awesome and stuff (I do, but still, creepy! And probably nonsensical! lol) and a rather rambling facebook status. To be honest in the most part it was all about things I care about... all about honesty and all about the feeling that I lose people because I care too much and it makes me act crazy... to the point where they don't really seem like they want to speak to me ever again or I just feel awkward and foolish anyway. Then again, someone, maybe everyone will probably tell me that's how it goes with relationships most of the time and that 'being friends' rarely works or is genuine. It still sucks though.

Saturday was a day of late starts, rushed packing and tidying and barely being able to walk under the weight of heavy bags... oh and of course buses terminating before their supposed destination ¬_¬. I was running so late for my journey home from University I missed out on the possibility of a lift and hand to call in a hero to help me walk back to my house (with the parents), who I still owe cakes! It all worked out though I guess, I found the letter saying I had an interview, went along to a quiz raising money for my friends' charity Peters' Place ( and hence caught up with people I hadn't seen in ages. Sunday was a nice day too, pretty chilled catching up and getting a meal with the family, somehow being home has suddenly made me feel much more chilled, though perhaps that's just because the actual act of getting home was so stressful XD And today I caught up with a good friend watching Fellowship of the Ring on VHS and talking nerdy stuff ^_^ we so cool and retro... holiday at home seems to be going well so far.

I think I had a clearer idea of what I took from last week when I first started thinking about it yesterday. I guess mostly I'm thinking that I'm still smiling, actually, and despite things I've said or thought none of that is really getting me down. I might have regrets and there might be things about myself I don't like but these I things I cannot or should not change if even I had the ability. All I can do is learn more about myself from my mistakes and perhaps it'll help me know more readily what I want or need in the future... I would love to learn not to overthink things but I think it's probably far to deep in my nature to shed, until I'm old and wise at least :P

I feel sort of proud of myself that, for once, I feel I'm thinking pretty positively perhaps thank to the lifted weight of coursework and the somewhat refreshing prospect of revision and exams (yeah I know, I'm kind of odd) plus the step in the positive direction of a job interview. So I'll give you a tip people, and it's one I used to have a much better hold on, just keep smiling and remember to laugh... be yourself don't let them get you down. :D xxxxx